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Current issues

In April 2025, we organise stakeholder events for lenders that report and request data in stage 2 of the register. In the events, we focus especially on the stakeholder testing of stage 2 and the rollout taking place in August 2025, i.e. how to sign up as a data notifier and apply for a data permission in stage 2.

Stakeholder events in April

1 April 2025, 2 pm to 3.30 pm (in Finnish)

3 April 2025, 2 pm to 3.30 pm (in English)

Please note that the events are for discussing the new functionalities that will be introduced in stage 2, not the register’s current production use. We will send Teams invitations to April’s events automatically to stakeholders covered by our stakeholder work in stage 2. If you are a new contact person for stakeholder work, submit your contact information to us on the sign-up form.

Subscribe to the newsletter!

Our newsletter is designed for those who take an interest in the planning, preparation and operation of the new national registration body in Finland. Positive credit register will release newsletters several times every year.