Study the instructions on reporting data in the second stage


We have published instructions on how to report data in the second stage of the register. The instructions are available in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. The versions in English and Swedish will be published later this week.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register as of 1 December 2025

How to start reporting data to the register

Participate in our stakeholder events – get help with the instructions

Our next events will be held in Teams this week:

  • Tuesday, 26 November, 2 pm–3.30 pm (in Finnish)
  • Thursday, 28 November, 2 pm–3.30 pm (in English)

We have sent invitations to the events to the organisations’ contact persons who are on our mailing list for stakeholder work. We will send the material of the events to the invited contact persons afterwards.

At stakeholder events, you can learn more and ask questions about the reporting of data in the second stage. Our specialists will be there to answer your questions, to draw attention to points in the instructions that are of particular importance and to clarify what the future changes will mean from the point of view of your organisation.

At next year’s events, we will discuss issues arising from the instructions on reporting, so if there is anything in the instructions that you find difficult to grasp, please let us know.

API descriptions have been published

The API descriptions for the second stage were published in August. Please read the API descriptions carefully so that you can make the necessary changes to your own systems.

Keep yourself up to date

The instructions already published may still be changed or specified. Please follow our communication to keep yourself up to date with any changes. You can always find the latest versions of the instructions on our website. We will also inform you of any changes by email. Information on changes will be sent to people on our stage 2 mailing list. You can join our mailing list by filling in the Webropol form:

Signing up to our mailing list for stakeholder cooperation

Page last updated 11/26/2024