Stakeholders have seen the first version of the API description for lenders’ loan information


Preparations for establishing a positive credit register in Finland are advancing rapidly. The Incomes Register Unit is in charge of the project. We presented a description of the future interface for sending loan information to the Positive credit register. We arranged an event at the end of October where we showed the description to the Register’s stakeholders. We invited comments and feedback from the different stakeholder groups that have signed up for working together with us.

− Legal obligations will in the future make lenders responsible for sending loan information to the Positive credit register. Lenders must use an IT interface to do this, so it is important to introduce the planned API to the lenders already now. We also want to ensure that the planned API will work well. Our plan is to build a system based on cooperation with all stakeholder groups. This will be a useful solution for lenders, says Virpi Pikkarainen, project director.

She points out that we still have just a draft version of the technical description available. Later, there will probably be changes. The draft interface was outlined last spring when the Positive credit register’s legal status was still based on the proposed Finnish legal act from that period, which also has changed by now. However, the version that we presented can still give an accurate enough understanding of the required loan information and the planned data structure. We have set ourselves the goal of releasing final technical documentation in early 2023, at a time when there is at least one year left to the Register’s implementation.

We recommend preparing for the change

Lenders will have to adapt to the introduction of the Positive credit register: they must make new settings to their IT systems, and new work methods, skills and processes will be required. Accordingly, we would like to recommend that lenders set aside enough time for their preparation efforts. Virpi Pikkarainen makes the following comment:

− Today, we are at a stage when it is probably useful for every lender organisation to learn more about our API design. Then they can make conclusions about their own IT system’s compatibility with our IT system. For example, whether the legally required detailed information can be found in the lender’s IT system is an issue worth some attention. If the information is there, can it be easily retrieved and sent to the Positive credit register?

At the stakeholder event on 25 November, we will also present a description of the API that will allow lenders to ask for information, which the Register will then send them. No draft versions of the interfaces will be put up on the Register’s website. Instead, lenders can only receive the facts and information about them if they join the cooperation network.

At present, the network of our active stakeholders that work together consists of some 230 lender organisations. So far, we have organized several workshops and events where new information has been communicated. This network is especially intended for all lenders that issue loans to private individuals and to commercial software vendors who work with lender’s IT interfaces.

You are invited to send e-mail to us to join the network at:

Any questions?

You can visit and follow us on Twitter: @luottotietorek. You are welcome to send us e-mail to bring up any further questions regarding the Positive credit register: luottotietorekisteri (at)

Page last updated 11/18/2021