Scam messages about the Positive credit register are circulating again


Scammers are active, and text message scams are circulating in the name of the Positive credit register.

The Positive credit register was opened at the beginning of April. The first scam messages were sent in the name of the register in February, and now that the register is open, scams are circulating again. Scam messages sent in the name of the Positive credit register tell people that they have been added to the Positive credit register and ask them to confirm their information and click a link that leads to a scam website. Messages sent in the register’s name are always scam.

“The register receives data directly from lenders, we do not ask information from private individuals. People should not click on a link they may receive by text message. The register does not send text messages to private individuals,” says Aino Sarakorpi, Project Director.

Private individuals can check information stored in the register only through the register's own e-service. We recommend that you should log in to the e-service directly on the register’s website at To avoid scam websites, type the address in the browser and avoid using search engines. At the moment, scam messages are mostly sent by text message.

Example of a scam message

Read also

Earlier news: Scam messages circulating about the Positive credit register

Page last updated 4/16/2024