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Prepare for stakeholder testing regarding stage 2 of the Positive credit register


Lenders start reporting loans granted to private individuals other than consumers on 1 December 2025. After that date, the reported loans will also be shown on credit register extracts. The information will also be available to operators that do not grant such loans themselves.

Lenders can start testing the reporting of non-consumer loans on 3 March 2025. During stakeholder testing, lenders can test both the reporting of data and the requesting of data on test APIs.

We expect the following operators to participate in stage 2 stakeholder testing:

  • lenders that were not involved in stage 1 but will be in stage 2 of the register. It is important to make sure that you can successfully report and request data.
  • all stage 1 operators. It is important to make sure that you can successfully request and receive credit register extracts. The extracts will contain new data that has not been available before. In addition, you can make sure you can still report data after the changes made in stage 2.

Participate in testing and make sure you can successfully report and request data

Prepare for testing by reading the instructions on the reporting of data. Instructions on the use of data will be published in spring 2025. Also study technical documentation, such as API descriptions.

We will update the instructions on stakeholder testing at the beginning of 2025. The instructions will be updated with information about signing up for testing and about identifies used in testing. The instructions will also be discussed in our stakeholder events in February.

Data can be reported to the register and the register’s data can be used only through APIs. Active participation in testing helps you make sure your organisation meets the technical requirements. When testing the APIs, you can also make sure that your organisation’s systems and processes work in the desired manner.

In order that the launch would be successful, it is vital that you start testing as early as possible.

Page last updated 12/9/2024