Electronic submittal of data permission applications is temporarily interrupted – sign-up requests can be submitted as normal


The Positive credit register’s e-service has a feature that has turned out to be problematic in the submittal of data permission applications. For this reason, the Incomes Register Unit recommends that lenders should not submit data permission applications in the e-service before the problem is resolved.

The problem is that the number of characters is too small in the open fields, so that it is not possible to give comprehensive responses. This will be corrected as soon as possible: the goal is that the problem would be resolved by 25 October 2023.

The Incomes Register Unit apologizes for the inconvenience. We will inform lenders immediately when we can again recommend requesting data permissions in the e-service. Lenders can start using the register’s data on 1 April 2024.

Lenders can sing up as data notifiers in the e-service as normal – the sign-up deadline is 30 November 2023.

Page last updated 10/9/2023