Technical APIs and their use

The users of the register, i.e. the data notifiers and data users, communicate through APIs. A technical API is an access point created in accordance with certain specifications and used for sending information between external parties and the register. The register's APIs are REST interfaces with JSON data content.

To access APIs, the user needs a certificate issued by the Tax Administration. The certificate identifies the organisation using the API and ensures data integrity.

Further information on the certificate and its retrieval is available on the Certificate page. Different certificates are needed for the production environment and the testing environment.

Use interface addresses and certificates carefully and in the correct way. Use production addresses and certificates only for reporting production information. If you want to test interfaces, use stakeholder testing interface addresses and test certificates. Never report correct production information in stakeholder testing interfaces.

APIs for reporting data, and their addresses

The APIs for reporting data that are available to lenders are listed below. To use these APIs, the lender needs a certificate for reporting data.

Use this API to report your existing loans. Also report data on new loans through this API.

Reporting data on loan contracts – API description on page documentation.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register instuction page.

Use this API to report certain changes to loan contract data. Note that the following changes are not reported through this API: payment transactions, delayed amounts, acceleration, and the end or transfer of a loan. Report these changes through other APIs.

Reporting data on loan contracts – API description on page documentation.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register instuction page.


Use this API to report payment transactions relating to loans.

Reporting data on loan contracts –  API description on page documentation.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register instuction page.

Use this API to report payments that are more than 60 days late, and to report if a loan is accelerated.

Reporting data on loan contracts – API description on page documentation.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register instuction page.

Use this API to report that a loan ends or is transferred to another lender.

Reporting data on loan contracts – API description on page documentation.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register instuction page.

After submitting a batch, always make a status inquiry by batch reference. The response message you receive will specify any errors detected in the batch.

Reporting data on loan contracts – API description on page documentation.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register instuction page.

Use this API to check data on an individual loan. Specify the loan by loan number.

Checking loan data – API description on page documentation.

Reporting data to the Positive credit register instuction page.

API for requesting data

Lenders can use the API below to request data. To access the API, lenders need a certificate for requesting data.

In this API, you can request a credit register extract by personal identity code.

Requesting a credit register extract – API description on page dcumentation.

Sharing information from the Positive credit register instruction page.

API addresses in the testing environment

You will find the API addresses for the testing environment on the page testing instructions for stakeholders


Page last updated 1/8/2025