Instructions on testing

This is a collection of links to the instructions on the Positive credit register’s stakeholder testing. 

This page contains instructions on stakeholder testing in the first stage of the register and during production. In the first stage, consumer credits and loans comparable to them have been reported to the register. In the second stage, starting 1 December 2025, lenders also start reporting loans granted to individuals other than consumers. The instructions will be updated with changes and additions relevant to stakeholder testing in the second stage in January 2025 at the latest.

Testing instructions for stakeholders

This document includes a schedule for stakeholder testing, instructions on how to sign up for testing, and other practical information about stakeholder testing.

Instructions for the anonymisation of test data

This document includes the information needed to anonymise test data used in testing.

The data used in testing may not be connectable to natural persons or their data. Personal identity codes or other data that can be connected to natural persons may not be sent as test data under any circumstances: the test data must always be anonymised.

Instructions on the testing certificate

This document provides instructions on testing certificates used in stakeholder testing.

Page last updated 8/28/2024