Stakeholder testing: delivery report 12 February 2024

A new version of the system has been released to the stakeholder testing environment.

New functionalities

Lenders – Requests for credit register extracts

  • As regards deferments of amortizations, the credit register extract returns information only on the current and future deferment periods relating to the loan, as determined in the pending amendment of the Act on the Positive Credit Register. Previously, the credit register extract also returned information on deferment periods that have ended less than a year ago.

Corrections to the previous implementation

Lenders – Requests for credit register extracts

  • In the stakeholder testing environment, it has been possible for the user to send a credit register extract request where the target environment is ‘Production’. This is an error. The error has been corrected, and the target environment can no longer be reported to be 'Production' in the stakeholder testing environment.
Page last updated 2/12/2024