Stakeholder testing

During stakeholder testing, lenders test the reporting of data and the requesting of credit register extracts. Authorities and credit information companies, in turn, test the requesting of data.

Each stakeholder tests the APIs they will use when the register moves to production. When testing the APIs, the stakeholders can also ensure that their own systems and processes work in the appropriate manner.

The data used in testing may not be connectable to natural persons or their data. Personal identity codes or other data that can be connected to natural persons may not be sent as test data under any circumstances: the test data must always be anonymised.

Read more in the instructions for stakeholder testing.

API addresses to the testing environment

Reporting data:

New loans:

Changes to loans:

Payment transactions:

Delayed amounts:

End of loan contract:

Batch status inquiry:

Checking loan data:

Requesting data

A request for a credit register extract

Service breaks

Testing of a service break:

Authorities and credit information companies will receive the API addresses separately.

Contact us

Forms for stakeholder testing

The forms provided for stakeholder testing allow you to submit a stakeholder testing start notification, report any observations, technical problems and errors during testing, and contact us on issues other than those related to testing.

Forms for stakeholder testing

If you want to contact us about matters that do not relate to stakeholder testing, you can find our contact information on the Contact information page.

Page last updated 4/30/2024