Delivery report 24 April 2024

A new version of the Positive credit register system has been released.

Corrections to the previous implementation

Lenders – Reporting data on loan contracts

  • When a batch submitter requested a processing response and received a response message saying that the batch had been accepted in part, the message did not clearly indicate that the batch had included multiple reports with the same report reference. This has now been corrected, and error message E00 "You cannot give the same ReportReference in the batch more than once" will be returned.

Known defects

Public authorities – Report flow

  • We have detected deficiencies in loan reports on about 10,000 loans. The error affects the Loan report flow service. Presumably, the deficiencies relate to loans reported on certain dates. The error is being investigated and we make efforts to correct the data as soon as possible.

E-service for private individuals – Voluntary ban on credits

  • If you change a voluntary ban on credits that is valid indefinitely to be a fixed-term ban by using the Edit function, you cannot select the current date as the end date. If you want the ban to end on the current date, you can remove the entire ban.
Page last updated 4/24/2024