The e-service for lenders

What lenders can do in the e-service

In the e-service, an organisation can

  • sing up as a data notifier
  • request a data permission.

Once a sign-up or a data permission application has been approved, the organisation’s representative can manage

  • the details of the organisation’s contact persons
  • the invoicing information of the organisation.

The e-service can be used by organisations with a Finnish Business ID. Foreign organisations can update their contact details and invoicing information by contacting our customer service. Their contact information is available on the Contact information and service page.

The e-service cannot be used to report credit data or order credit register extracts.

Who can act on behalf of a lender in the e-service?

You can use the e-service on behalf of a lender if you have a Finnish personal identity code and if either of the following conditions is met:

  • a certain official role has been assigned to you in the Trade Register or the Business Information System
  • you or the company you represent has been granted the “Registering as a credit information reporter and user” authorisation.

The designated role has to be one of the following:

  • managing director
  • managing director’s substitute
  • chairperson of the board
  • general partner (limited partnership)
  • partner (general partnership)
  • self-employed individual
  • authorised signatory with the right to sign alone
  • individual with the right to sign alone (authorised individual).

How do I authorise someone to act on behalf of a lender in the e-service?

The lender can grant the necessary authorisations and change them in e-Authorizations.

The authorisation “Registering as a credit information reporter and user” can be used to sign up as a data notifier, request a data permit and change invoicing information and contact details.

If the lender wants to authorise different individuals to manage signing up as a data notifier and requesting a data permit, they have to use a paper form to do so.

Read more about granting authorisations (

How do I log in to the e-service?

You can log in to the e-service of the Positive credit register directly by clicking the link below.

You can also always log in to the service by clicking the Sign in button on the register website.

Start the login process by selecting Organisations.

The login uses e-Identification. For identification, you need a strong electronic identification token, such as online banking codes, a mobile certificate or a certificate card.

Maintaining the lender’s contact information

Check the organisation’s contact information regularly and update it if necessary. You can edit the information on the Invoicing and contact information page.

You can change the following contact information in the e-service:

Contact information regarding the reporting of data:

  • contact person for content
  • contact person for technical matters

Contact information regarding the use of data:

  • contact person for content
  • contact person for technical matters

The information about contact persons in the Positive credit register are name, telephone number and email address. The email address does not have to be an individual’s email address; it can also be some other email address, such as a distribution list or a shared mailbox.

If you want to update other contact information that you provide when signing up and requesting a data permission, contact the customer service of the Positive credit register. Customer service can update the contact information even when an organisation cannot use the e-service.

Contact information for customer service is available on the Contact information and service page.

Maintaining the lender’s invoicing information

If necessary, invoicing information can be edited on the Invoicing and contact information page. The invoicing information recorded in the Positive credit register is:

Invoice address

  • Recipient
  • Street address or P.O. Box
  • Postal code
  • City/town
  • Country


  • E-invoicing address
  • Intermediary code

E-invoicing is the primary invoicing method, which is why the option of sending invoices to the organisation’s e-invoice address is selected by default. You can deselect this option if your organisation does not use e-invoicing.

Invoicing practices

  • Invoice language: the options are Finnish, Swedish, English
  • Organisation’s reference (e.g. cost department’s reference)

Enter a reference if the organisation wants to receive invoices for the use of data addressed to a specific reference, for example for posting. The reference can be entered even if the organisation does not use e-invoicing. The maximum length of the reference is 35 characters.

Contact person for invoicing

The contact person for invoicing provides additional information on questions related to invoicing. The contact person will be contacted if any issues arise with invoicing.

  • Name
  • Telephone number (in international format, e.g. +358...)
  • Email address

If you need help using the e-service, you can contact our customer service. The contact information is available on the Contact information and service page.


Page last updated 1/7/2025