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How to start reporting data to the register

These instructions describe how to start reporting data to the Positive credit register: what must be done before starting, how the current credit stock is reported, and how reporting is continued after that.

The Positive credit register is launched in two stages. In the first stage, lenders started reporting consumer credits and loans comparable to them. In the second stage, lenders will also report data on loans granted to natural persons other then consumers. 

Schedule of the second stage:

1 August–31 October 2025
Lenders that are required to submit reports will sign up as data notifiers and request data permissions.

1 December 2025–31 March 2026
Loans falling within the reporting obligation in the second stage will be reported to the register. The reported loans will be immediately included in credit register extracts and shown in the e-service for private individuals.

1 April 2026
Credit register extracts will be used to assess the creditworthiness of natural persons other than consumers.

Detailed instructions: Reporting data to the Positive credit register as of 1 December 2025

1 Before lenders start reporting data

Before lenders start reporting loan data, they must sign up as data notifiers in the e-service for lenders or with a paper form. Lenders already reporting consumer credits to the register but also obliged to report other than consumer credits as of 1 December 2025 must also sign up.

When a lender’s sign-up request has been processed and the Incomes Register Unit has issued a decision to open a connection, the lender can retrieve a Tax Administration certificate to use technical APIs.

When the lender has received the certificate, they can start reporting data.

Read more: Signing up to the Positive credit register as a data notifier

2 Reporting loans to the register

Lenders report data on loan contracts through technical APIs. At first, they report data on all existing loans that fall within the scope of their reporting obligation. Consumer credits that have already been reported to the register need not be reported again. Lenders report all such loans of their current credit stock that meet the definition given in chapter 5 of the instruction document “Reporting data to the Positive credit register as of 1 December 2025” and that have been granted to persons that meet the definition of chapter 3 of the same document.

Read the instructions: Reporting data to the Positive credit register as of 1 December 2025

Read the API description of reporting data on loan contracts

Lenders report data on current loan contracts through the New loans API. The data is reported as it is at that time. Past payment transactions or deferments of amortizations that have already ended are not reported for the existing credit stock. The data to be reported on loan contracts is described in chapter 6 of the instruction document “Reporting data to the Positive credit register as of 1 December 2025”.

Lenders are obliged to report all the loan data that falls within the scope of the reporting obligation. If data is missing, i.e. if some data covered by the reporting obligation is not reasonably accessible to the party that is required to submit reports, the Incomes Register Unit must be informed of this in writing.

Read more: Notifying of missing data

3 After reporting a loan

Once a loan has been reported to the register, the lender starts reporting data on the loan on a continuous basis. Reporting on a continuous basis means that the lender reports any changes in the loan to the register, complying with the deadlines provided in legislation. Such changes include, for example, amortizations and changes made to the loan contract.

Page last updated 11/26/2024