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Car tax calculator and price information service for used vehicles

The car tax calculator can give you an estimate of how much car tax you must pay on a used vehicle

Please note that the calculator can only give a rough estimate. You can see the final amount of tax on your car tax decision.

The calculator can give you an estimated car tax amount for

  • passenger cars taken into use on 1 January 2008 or after
  • motorcycles taken into use on 1 January 2003 or after
  • vans taken into use on 1 April 2009 or after.

Car tax calculator

When you use the car tax calculator, you need to have the estimate of the vehicle's selling price in Finland.

Car tax calculator (if you have an estimate of the price of the vehicle)

Price information service

If you do not have the estimate of the price of the vehicle, you can search for the price in the price information service for used vehicles. Then you can continue straight to the car tax calculator.

You can use the price information service to search for the current general selling price of a vehicle that is more than 2 years old. The price information is based on the asking prices for vehicles that are for sale in Finland. The prices given in the service include all taxes.

Go to the price information service

What information do I need for the calculation?

You need the following information:

  • vehicle category
  • vehicle’s selling price
  • date of first registration
  • basis for the CO2 value, and the value of carbon dioxide emissions (passenger cars and vans)
  • cylinder capacity (motorcycles).

You need the following information:

  • vehicle category
  • date of first registration
  • odometer reading
  • make and model.

You can apply for an advance ruling on car tax

If you want to get a binding advance ruling on vehicle’s taxable value or the amount of car tax, you can apply for an advance ruling. Decisions issued on advance ruling applications are subject to a charge. Read more about the advance ruling.

Page last updated 11/20/2022